How Understand Quran Academy got from 0 traffic to 100.000 free organic SEO visitors per month?

What you see above a snapshot of the organic search engine traffic from one of our clients. 

In a nutshell, we helped this client from almost zero traffic to around 100.000 monthly organic search engine visitors per month. So how did we do it? Before we jump into how, let’s discuss what SEO is first. 

What is SEO?

SEO is an acronym for Search Engine Optimization. In other words, it is a process of how you optimize your site when someone searches for a specific keyword or a set of keywords. 

These days every man and his dog seems to offer SEO services. Why is it so buzzy word? 

Look, if you own a business and especially your business is online, you need traffic. Traffic equals people. If you get relevant people to your site searching for a product or service you offer, it is only a matter of time before they buy from you. So your business depends on people who are interested in your product. 

Now you know that traffic = $, there are mainly two ways of getting traffic. Either you pay for it which is called advertising. Alternatively, you get it free. While it is true that there are other types of free traffic like PR, direct, referral, today we mainly focus on SEO. 

On-site SEO vs Off-Site SEO

Onsite SEO starts with making sure your website pages, titles, tags, content and overall structure are optimized for your target keywords. It doesn’t stop there. You should also create content relevant to the keywords you want to rank for. 

You also need to make sure that you have a significant of inbound links from highly respected external websites – that’s called offsite SEO. We don’t focus on offsite SEO in this article. 

How did we do it?

As you may remember that onsite SEO is not only about optimizing your page title and the content for specific keywords. It doesn’t stop there. It is also finding out what relevant keywords people are using on Google or other search engines then analyze which are less competitive to rank for. This is what we found out about our main keyword “quran”:

Long term game

Once you know the keywords and key phrases people are searching, the next step is to write valuable content for those key phrases. 

SEO is a long term game. You should persist and be patient. You need a schedule, a team of writers who can write on the topics discovered during the research phase.

In our case, we started to write one blog article per week. By the way, remember SEO is not only to rank for search engines, but it is also for your users to give value.

Return on investment

After writing the article for the week, we would share with the client’s email subscribers and share on their social media channels as well. In a way, these articles would serve us not only help us rank better on search engines, but also provide education and tips for our existing audience.

It will in return create trust between the company and the users especially those who haven’t purchased the product yet. While you will need to wait longer to see the increase in traffic via SEO, it doesn’t have to take long to see the increase in revenue from your existing traffic.

Do you need help?

Now you know how to get more relevant traffic to your site. You are welcome to use these technics to grow your business.

However, as we know many business owners are busy serving their customers. So if you need help with SEO, please, fill out this form and we will get back to you.