4 Types of Clients We Avoid (And Why)

As a marketing agency, we receive clients on a daily basis with different projects. Some projects are interesting to work with and have seen a huge success in their sales and business after joining forces with us. But some projects, unfortunately, we couldn’t make it work due to different reasons.

After years of experience in the halal market industry, we have come to realize that it’s best to avoid working with some clients, as it will save our time and energy which we can direct towards someone with whom we can work to help them reach new heights of success.

Here are the top 4 in our list of clients we avoid and why:

  1. Know-it-alls

These types of clients are the ones who think they know better, so they are not willing to listen nor to implement any of the strategies we put forward to them. They think they know their business and how to advertise/market them better, so they want us to listen to them.

If you know how to do it, then please do it yourself. Don’t expect a marketing agency to magically solve all your problems at once.

At Halal.Ad, we focus one at a time that will eventually lead to taking big steps for great success. We believe in keeping things simple as that’s how we grew our marketing agency by reaching a milestone of having 300+ millions of Muslim global audience in our platform.

  1. No Unique Selling Point

For those who do not know what a unique selling point means, here’s a simple question for you to know what it is:

What makes you stand out from your competitors?

And that’s what a unique selling point means.

Everyone can start a Quran academy, but what distinguishes your academy from all the other online academies is important. Same goes with clothing, service related businesses, etc. You need to have a unique selling point to get you ahead of your competitors.

If you are doing the same thing that everyone does, there’s very little we can do for the growth of your business, as we mainly strategize businesses who have a unique selling point to serve our Ummah. That’s where our expertise comes into play.

  1. Time-wasters

These are clients who just waste our time without implementing or doing anything of what we advised or suggested. And when they don’t see results, they just stop working with us.

Please note that you don’t get results overnight. When doing something, you should give it some time, at least a month to see some real performance. Just a week of running ads won’t tell you anything. For example, on Facebook, some newly created or edited ads go through a learning phase for better optimization and delivery. So your ads may need some time to let it generate the best possible results from your campaign.

  1. Out-of-Scope

As you know that Halal.Ad is geared towards serving the global Halal market, we only take in clients who have businesses/services that are mainly focused on serving our Ummah.

Since our audience are all Muslims, we always ensure to work with clients/projects that are within the scope of Islamic/Halal Economy. Anything that’s out of this scope, we are likely to avoid them unless the business/service is something our Ummah can hugely benefit from.

What if I am not one of them?

Then you are likely a potential client for us. 🙂

Need some help to grow your business towards greater good?

Head over and sign up for a free strategy session with us today to discuss: https://halal.ad/quote.html