What’s New on Halal.Ad 2.0

Salaam Everyone,

It’s been almost 2 years since we launched Halal.Ad to the market. We learnt a lot along the way and as a result, we finally released Halal.Ad 2.0 last week.

What We Learnt

When we started Halal.Ad, we focused on building the ad network only. We did our best, offering the most affordable prices for advertisers which they were happy about.

But unfortunately, we couldn’t attract many premium publishers since our pricing was not competitive.

We also noticed the majority of our advertisers spent only $5 to $10 for a very short period of time while a successful advertising needs a clear plan and budget.

By taking these things into account, we decided to make changes to ensure a better outcome for publishers and advertisers who are serious about the business.

What’s New on Halal.Ad 2.0

  • Scalability to serve millions and billions of ads per day.
  • Speed to claim that we have one of the fastest ad codes in the market.
  • Tracking Pixels to track your conversions.
  • WordPress Plugin.
  • HTML 5 / VAST – Video Ads.
  • Mobile SDKs for both iPhone and Android.
  • Featured Text / Video Article on Publisher sites.
  • Social Media Shoutouts targeting millions of Muslim fans.
  • Email Sponsorship / Promotion targeting millions of Muslims.
  • Geographic Targeting down to cities.
  • Premium Publishers with at least 100,000 page views per month.

Publisher Requirement

Since our platform is now updated with many new features, the old codes will no longer function properly.

And only Muslim websites that have at least 100,000 page views every month will be taken into consideration. If you think you are one of them, please send us an email with your traffic stats from Google Analytics to salam@halal.ad.

Advertiser Requirement

Ads with small budgets will not be accepted any longer.

Instead of leaving everything in your hands, from now on, we will be helping you to not only create your ads but promote as well on the right publisher websites and mobile apps.

This means, you will need to have a certain budget to work with, but we are initially offering a free quote for every advertiser small or large. This way, you can at least find out what options we have for you.

If you are interested, you can sign up for a free quote here.

Got Questions?

We are here for you always! Chat with us online or send us a message to salam@halal.ad and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.



Halal.Ad Team                                                                                                     www.halal.ad